標題: Wholesale Jerseys China Randolph Pereira

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2018-1-13 02:27
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Two men yesterday faced Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court for escaping from police custody.James Hutson, who was shot in his right foot, had escaped while receiving medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). He had been under guard at the time.The other man,Cheap Jerseys From China, Randolph Pereira, in a separate matter, reportedly fled from the East La Penitence Police Station when police ranks allegedly threatened to strike the man’s private parts with a firearm.Randolph PereiraHutson, 40,Authentic Jerseys From China, of 255 Grove Squatting Area, East Bank Demerara was first before the Magistrate to face three criminal charges. Apart from escaping the police on August 20 while at GPHC, the defendant heard that on August 14 at Kaneville Access Road,Cheap Jerseys, East Bank Demerara, he had in his possession an offensive weapon. On the same day at Third Street Grove, the police claimed that Hutson assaulted a police officer with the intent to resist arrest.Hutson was not required to plea to the escape charge. He pleaded guilty to having the offensive weapon and not guilty to assaulting the police officer.Police, acting on a report, had gone to Third Street, Grove Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara where they were confronted by the defendant.Prosecutor Burgett Grant alleged that Hutson attacked one of the officers and tried to take away the rank’s firearm. She said the police officer sought assistance from the other ranks on patrol and the defendant was detained. A search on the defendant’s person,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Grant claimed, led to the discovery of a screw driver in his pants pocket.? He was later charged.In his defence, Hutson claimed that he does electrical work and on the day in question was heading to his aunt’s house to work. He said while walking, a white car passed him, and about 40 feet away, it stopped and three CID police ranks that he recognized emerged.Hutson said the ranks shouted for him to “go down on the ground” and he refused, asking the police “if is just so people does hit the ground.”With that, Hutson said the police shot him in the leg. The defendant showed his badly wounded leg to the court. Hutson denied that the police searched and found any weapon on him. The defendant said he was at the time receiving treatment at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre when the doctor noticed that he had something in his waist. He said he told the doctor it was a screwdriver and handed it over to the doctor.Hutson did admit to escaping custody while he was being detained for an alleged robbery under arms matter. He said he did not see any police guard when he was discharged from the hospital so he picked the handcuffs and went home. The man did say that he returned the very next day.The court asked to see the police officers’ statements since the prosecution had not disclosed whether the defendant was asked why he had the screw driver. It was later revealed that the prosecution’s facts were in complete contrast to the arresting rank’s statement.The Magistrate said the arresting rank had stated in his police statement that a scuffle ensued with the defendant after he attempted to resist arrest. The rank in the statement claimed that Hutson tried to take away the policeman’s gun before he was seen going to his waist. The police statement said that Hutson was then shot in the foot and the screw driver was taken away. The court however pointed out that nowhere in the statement was it written that the defendant was asked why he had the screw driver.On that charge, Hutson was reprimanded because the police could not dispute the defendant’s claim that he had the screw driver for electrical repair purposes. In the assault and escaping matters, Hutson was remanded to jail until October 2.The Magistrate said that Hutson was in custody for one offence and committed another while detained by police.In another escaping matter,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Pereira,Cheap Jerseys USA, a former policeman, 43, of 1677 Diamond Housing Scheme was accused of, on August 17, escaping from the East La Penitence Police Station while he was being detained to facilitate investigations into an alleged rape.Attorney-at-law Paul Fung-a-Fat represented the defendant. He asked for reasonable bail for the married father of three and said that his client is the owner and operator of the Dynamics Security Force.The lawyer claimed that a disgruntled employee was making the allegations against his client and the police had threatened to hit his client with a gun on his private parts. That, Fung-a-Fat said, caused his client to escape.Th