標題: NHL Jerseys From China East Bank Demerara

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2018-1-13 01:04
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A 31-year-old barber was yesterday remanded to jail for the death of 43-year-old Yohan Hunte known as “Man on the roof”.Alvin Barkley of Lot 1778 Diamond Housing Scheme,Wholesale Jerseys From China, East Bank Demerara,Wholesale China Jerseys, was accused of murder when he faced Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.The allegation is that Barkley murdered Hunte in Georgetown on September 2. He was not required to plead to the indictable charge. He was later remanded.Police information stated that on the day in question,Cheap Jerseys From China, the accused and the deceased had a confrontation over the use of electricity to ply their trade as barbers. The men who usually operated their businesses on the sidewalk in the Stabroek Market area ended up in scuffle where the deceased was wounded in the chest area.The police said that Hunte reportedly attacked Barkley about three times before he was wounded. Barkley reportedly engaged the accused on the first occasion with a brick and then with two broken bottles. The third attack saw Hunte allegedly getting more broken bottles. The accused thus armed himself with a cutlass.Following the scuffle, Hunte was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he immediately underwent surgery. He however succumbed to his wound while in the Intensive Care Unit.Barkley had reportedly fled the scene after the fight,China NFL Jerseys, but later turned himself into the Brickdam Police Station. After admitting his involvement in the matter to the police,NFL Jerseys 2018, Barkley was arrested and charged for murder.Eyewitnesses told Kaieteur News that Hunte was stabbed in the chest at around 09:30 hrs. They said that the electricity was being supplied by a nearby business place and the men had a disagreement over who should get access to it.Hunte,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, of Lot 123 Laing Avenue, had numerous brushes with the law, and earned his nickname after staging a one-man protest some time ago on the roof of the Georgetown Prisons.Barkley will return to court on October 25.