標題: Air Max 97 Entomologist

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2018-1-2 11:45
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In an attempt to contain the prevailing bug infestation that continues in rice crops throughout Region Two, senior members of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) engaged affected farmers in a series of demonstrations.The exercise was initiated by the Board and ended on Saturday.Spraying of the affected fields was also conducted.? General Manager of the Guyana Rice Development Board,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Jagnarine Singh, said that the exercise is an integrated/ holistic approach in order to avoid a recurrence of the situation that took place in the spring crop.The approach undertaken by members of GRDB involved spaying andA field demonstration in placesequential demonstrations of activities involve, educating farmers about the correct approach and the amount of pesticides they should apply to the crop.Demonstrations were conducted in fields at Golden Fleece,holesale Soccer Jerseys, Airy-Hall and Johanna Cecilia. The appropriate method, the timing of the application of pesticides and how often,Cheap NFL Jerseys, were the central issues.Singh indicated that due to the poor quality of paddy supplied to mills,Cheap Jerseys, especially on the Essequibo Coast, an investigation was carried out to determine the cause that had attributed to the situation.Findings by data have revealed that 55.2 percent of the total intake for the crop was sample grade which was due to damaged grains caused by paddy bug presence occurring in the threshold levels.Present at the demonstration exercise were Mr. Ghansham Paymn,Cheap Jerseys From China, Agronomist; Narieta Singh, Entomologist; Research Assistant; General Manager,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Jagnarine Singh; and his Deputy; Ricky Ramrag.Harvesting for the autumn crop will commence in the first week of August. 27,000acres have been sowed at a percent of 78.(Yannason Duncan)