標題: Cheap Jerseys Outlet 000 cash

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2018-1-2 00:48
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A 34-year-old welder accused of violently mugging a man as he was on his way home and making off with his bicycle was remanded to jail by city Magistrate Fabayo Azore on Thursday.Joseph Barker,Cheap Jerseys China, of Lot 54 Fifth Street, Alberttown,NFL Jerseys From China, Georgetown, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court and pleaded not guilty to a robbery with violence charge.It is alleged that on January 17,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, last at Fifth Street, Alberttown, he robbed Ravi Rajkumar of his bicycle valued at $10,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,000 and $2,000 cash, through the use of personal violence.Police Prosecutor, Inspector Michael Grant, explained that about 01:00 hour that day, Rajkumar was on his way home when Barker cornered him. Grant said that Barker cuffed and kicked the man about his body before taking away the cash and the bicycle.During the robbery,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Rajkumar reportedly brandished a knife and stabbed Barker,Wholesale Jerseys China, causing him to receive injuries. The court heard that Barker fled the scene on the man’s bicycle but later sought medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).Grant said that while Barker was at the institution, the police were alerted and he was placed under guard as he received treatment. Barker was later discharged from the hospital and charged with the offence.The Prosecutor told the court that investigations are ongoing in several matters of a similar nature in which Barker is the prime suspect. He said that charges are likely to be instituted against him.Grant asked the court to consider the nature and gravity of the offence as well as the penalty it attracts, and deny Barker his pre-trial liberty.The Magistrate granted the Prosecution’s request and bail was refused. Barker is slated to appear before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on Monday.