標題: NFL Jerseys From China East Bank Essequibo

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2018-1-1 09:04
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An investigation has been launched to determine the circumstances surrounding a New Year’s Day shooting incident which left a Police Constable nursing a gunshot wound.Injured is Police Constable Mohamed Salim of Vergenoegen,Wholesale China Jerseys, East Bank Essequibo (EBE).Salim, who is stationed at La Grange Police Station ‘D’ Division West Demerara/East Bank Essequibo (EBE),Jerseys From China, was shot at about 08:00hrs on Thursday January 1 in the vicinity of his home.The policeman related that he was standing close to the Public Road at Vergenoegen,Cheap Jerseys, when a motor vehicle with heavily tinted windows drove by and shots were fired. He sustained a gunshot wound to his left leg.“It was New Years Day and squibs were going off and so it sounded like squibs …”Salim added that as such,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, he was not immediately conscious of what had transpired.“I felt my leg grow numb and I kind of collapsed to the ground… I looked up and saw a white motorcar with heavily tinted windows speeding off in the direction of Parika…but I didn’t see the licence plate,” the injured policeman explained.After realizing that he was shot, Salim said that a friend,Supply NFL Jerseys, who was nearby, came to his rescue; he summoned a taxi which transported the policeman to the hospital.“My friend helped me and I got my mother and came to the hospital immediately,” he addedHowever, the policeman said that thankfully the bullet only grazed his knee,Cheap China NFL Jerseys, leaving him with a flesh wound.Salim was briefly admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, (GPHC) where he underwent treatment for his injury.Asked whether he had reason to believe that he was being targeted by the shooter, Salim said that he thinks the incident was not premeditated, since he cannot think of anyone with whom he has issues.The officer was discharged from the GPHC yesterday afternoon but remains under observation as investigations into the matter continue.