標題: Cheap Jerseys From China Lloyd

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2017-12-31 13:52
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Jasoda Lloyd,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap, a 26-year-old housewife of Free and Easy,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, Wakenaam, died at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) one week after delivering a stillbornAccording to reports, Lloyd,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, who got married just over a year ago, attended the Maria’s Pleasure Maternity Clinic regularly. Her husband recounted that she had told him recently that everything was normal and she could expect her child on September 25.However, there were signs that all was not well as the woman’s feet were swelling regularly and her blood pressure was quite often increasing. Her husband said that on July 27, she began to experience pain and thought it was the baby moving within her. He said she asked him for water but by the time she drank it she vomited, collapsed and went into a fit.? The husband then rushed the semi-conscious woman to the Wakenaam Cottage Hospital.At the hospital, there was reportedly no doctor or mid wife on duty. The medex on call, after examining the woman,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, referred the patient to the GPHC. Shortly after midnight that night, a speedboat was chartered to take the patient to Parika.? The river was rough,Wholesale China Jerseys, the husband told this publication.The medex accompanied the patient as far as Parika as no other medical personnel was available at the time.? It is reported that when she arrived at the GPHC she was immediately placed under surgery to remove the child as both lives of mother and baby were threatened. The baby was delivered stillborn and the mother was hooked up to a life support machine.The woman eventually succumbed yesterday. A post mortem is to be conducted shortly.There have recently been calls for a relief nurse/midwife on the island of Wakenaam. This newspaper learnt that a former, retired midwife who resides on the island was asked by the Region to serve the hospital, but although she agreed nothing has been done since.Medical personnel who do not reside on the island obviously need time to go home to their families for vacation,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, and when this happens there is no one to substitute.? Residents on the island are calling on the authorities to investigate this recent unfortunate incident.It has been reported that pregnant mothers on the island have been advised to go to other hospitals to deliver their babies.Efforts to contact the Regional Health Officer of Region Three by telephone proved futile.