標題: Wholesale China Jerseys 1rcfboh5

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2017-12-30 09:12
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Bright and early Wednesday morning dem boys hear bout another award. De Lunch Man claim how dem forget Sash Sawh suh dem decide that he got to get one too.Dem boys want to know how this thing does wuk. Dem seh that it look like if people does sit down and decide who must get and who mustn’t get.Is not that Sash don’t deserve one. He get kill in de line of duty but is how dem give de man de thing. “Eh,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, eh. We fuhget Sash. He got to get one too.”Dem treating this thing like if is house lot.But dem boys notice that dem fuh get some other people. De Waterfalls paper got to get a MS—Medal of Suffering. It suffering since it expose all dem scandal. At one time dem boys decide that it shoulda get a Medal of Scandal.Fip got to get de Medal of Scampishness.Dem boys want give de Medal of Shame to GINA. Some people got to get AA.—Anti-man Award. If wasn’t because some of dem got wife dem boys woulda call dem name.Dem have people who gun get award although dem name ain’t call. Dem gun thief some of dem other people medal because is dem nature. Dem must thief.And dem boys notice that Bar-Rat gone again. Anytime mischief create he gone.? He gone to Africa fuh a special medal—Obeah fuh win de Elections—OE. After all,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Sam get one. When people guh hear that Bar-Rat get OE,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, dem know is wha.Talk half. Lef half.