標題: Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping of South Ruimveld

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2017-12-30 03:46
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The Prosecution in the case against 18-year-old Kevin Simon is seeking the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) following strong representation by attorney at law Nigel Hughes.Simon is the young man who was initially charged with provoking a breach of the peace,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, to wit, showing his middle finger to President Bharrat Jagdeo’s passing convoy on August 8.Kevin SimonWhen the matter was called again yesterday at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Judy Latchman, a new charge was read to Simon, this time substituting the allegations against the President for one against an Inspector of the Presidential Guard.Hughes objected to the young man having to plead to the new charge, arguing that he had already pleaded not guilty to the previous charge.This was put to the Police Prosecutor in the matter,Air Max 95 Sale, who requested time to seek the advice of the DPP.Simon was initially remanded to prison twice when the previous charge was read to him. However he managed to secure bail in the High Court in the sum of $5000.Yesterday his lawyer approached the court for him to be sent on self bail and the Prosecutor had no objection.The matter was then put down for October 11 at the same court.Simon, of South Ruimveldt,Wholesale Jerseys From China, is accused of making the obscene gesture while travelling in a truck on the main East Coast Highway.The young man,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, a porter on a water delivery truck,Authentic MLB Jerseys Online, is on the other hand contending that he was merely hanging his hand against the breeze when he was accused of the act.He was detained at the Sparendaam Police Station for an entire day and night before being taken to court.The matter has attracted countrywide attention,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, with even President Jagdeo stating that he was unaware that the young man was actually charged.In fact the president had pointed out that it should have been the driver of the Canter Truck in which Simon was travelling, facing the court.Incidentally, the driver was charged for failing to adhere to the Presidential convoy’s siren.