標題: NFL Jerseys Sale the Fiscal Transfers Bill 2012

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-23 05:34
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…despite all parties being readyBy Zena Henry Government highlighted that it would be early in the new year, but there is yet to be an announcement on the date when the country will after 19 years, experience Local Government Elections.Checks on a date for local polls have proven that no official word has been given on the likelihood of elections being held in the first quarter of the year. Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Dr. Steve Surjubally told Kaieteur News yesterday that the entity has received no date for the holding of local polls.He said that more than likely the Commission would be made aware as to the set date for local polls and discussions would be held pertaining to the holding of elections; the Commission has not been alerted and those discussions are yet to be held, he disclosed.Nonetheless, the Chairman stated that Commission continues to forge ahead with preparations in the demarcation of the various boundaries and constituencies. GECOM had noted during last year, that the Commission could be ready for local polls within six months, despite some expressing skepticism.? Surjubally stated however that his team is ready for local polls so by the time elections take off, “we will hit the ground running.”A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s Shadow Local Government Minister Ronald Bulkan told Kaieteur News yesterday that his party is also forging ahead with preparations for local polls,China NBA Jerseys, although there has been no official word as to when the long-overdue process will materialize.He said that APNU is still awaiting word from the Local Government Minister to set the date, while the coalition understands that hints have been made for elections to be held mid-year.? He explained that GECOM should be informed of a date at least three months in advance while election participants will within such time make themselves ready.Bulkan has however accused the government of willfully delaying local polls, suggesting fear on the government’s side.“The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has recognized that they do not have the support of the people and they are terrified that they will be removed,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, because the people see through their constant interference in the operations of local organs to the detriment of citizens.”In the meantime, concerns remain over the non-assent to the Local Government Amendment Bill which has the power to relieve the Local Government Ministers of their imperial powers, barring them from dissolving Neighborhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) and micro-managing the council.APNU leader David Granger, in November last year, had expressed optimism that the President would change his mind and assent to the last Bill. The President during that same month, stated categorically that to assent to the Local Government Amendment Bill would be a breach of the Constitution since, “they have tried to take the authority of the minister and invest it into a commission; that goes against the Constitution,” the President said.He added that the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNC/R), PNC then,Wholesale China Jerseys, went back on previous agreements and arrangements made with the government to make changes, “which in my view is unprincipled,” and thus made “unconstitutional.”President Donald Ramotar did assent to the other three bills which,NFL Jerseys China, along with the Local Government Amendment Bill, were passed by the National Assembly since August last; the Fiscal Transfers Bill 2012, the Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill 2012,NFL Jerseys Cheap, the Local Government Commission Bill.Cabinet Secretary Roger Luncheon during a Cabinet weekly press briefing also stated that the President’s non-intent to sign the Bill stating that it would be unconstitutional since the Opposition wants to give the Local Government Commission powers that were, initially, never theirs.PPP’s General Secretary Clement Rohee stated on Monday that the party is ready for the local government elections, as well as regional and national elections. He said,China Jerseys NFL, “The Central Committee examined various aspects of the implementation of its political strategy and concluded that it was sufficiently in a state of readiness for either local government and national and regional elections.”Rohee explained that the PPP/C from an “organizational perspective” is always ready for the eventuality of elections, with “well oiled” machinery. He did not state, however, any possible election date.Efforts to reach Local Government Minister Ganga Persuad via cell phone went unsuccessful throughout the day. His secretary told this