標題: Wholesale NFL Jerseys he said

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2017-12-25 10:54
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Having secured the CCTV footage from the Demerara Harbour Bridge, the Guyana Police Force is now on the hunt for two suspected motorcycles thieves.The two men reportedly visited a Schoonord,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, West Bank Demerara,NFL Jerseys China, man’s home while he was away at work on Monday last,Jerseys Authentic Stitched, having left his motorcycle in his yard.The man who asked that his identify be withheld,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, told this publication that on Monday last when he returned home around noon, he discovered his motorcycle missing. Its ignition switch had been dislodged and left lying on the ground.He told Kaieteur News that when he discovered that the bike was missing,NFL Jerseys China, he enquired of his neighbour. The neighbour, he said,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, informed him that there were indeed two men in the yard doing something with the motorcycle.The man said that his neighbour told him that he was under the impression that it was a mechanic sent to repair the motorcycle.This was not the case as the men allegedly ‘hotwired’ the motorcycle and made off with it.Both men reportedly went to the Schoonord WBD residence on one motorcycle with one of the thieves as a pillion rider.The man said that after he realized what had transpired, he immediately made a report to La Grange Police Station after which he went to the DHB authorities to seek if he could obtain the CCTV footage which he did.In the CCTV footage the men were observed crossing the Demerara Harbour Bridge heading towards the West Bank, while on a motorcycle with no number plates but on the return trip they were using separate motorcycles including the stolen one.This has since been turned over to the police to assist with their investigations.