標題: Wholesale Jerseys of Lot ‘E’ Enachu Street

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2017-12-21 07:17
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Police are hunting for three men who allegedly abducted a Campbellville businessman to demand monies owed to one of them.Mark Luke Edwards,Cheap Authentic NFL Jerseys, 31,Cheap NFL Jerseys, of Lot ‘E’ Enachu Street,Cheap Jerseys, Campbellville reported to police that he was forced into a car and beaten after he was lured to the Demerara Harbour Bridge by a female to transact business around 11:000 hours on Tuesday.Kaieteur News understands that Edwards is an exporter of seasoning,Wholesale Jerseys, cassareep and salt fish to Grenada and Barbados.On Tuesday around 10:00 hours, he received a call from a female who gave her name as Kavita and claimed that she wanted to do business with him.He agreed to meet the woman at the Demerara Harbour Bridge.The following day around 11:00 hours Edwards went to the location, but instead of meeting the woman he was confronted by the suspects.He told investigators that he knew one of the men,Cheap Jerseys Store, a Rastafarian, who he claimed was a business partner of his.Edwards admitted owing his business partner $2M for goods that were exported by him.However he claimed that he did not receive payment for the goods.The businessman said that the men forced him into the back seat of a car and started to beat him about his face, asking him for the money.Edwards stated that he was taken into a yard at Prospect on the East Bank of Demerara, where he made contact with his wife who resides in South Ruimveldt and told her that he needed $1M.He was subsequently released at Grove after he promised to repay his business partner. He managed to make his way to the police and reported the matter.He was subsequently examined by a doctor who provided him with a medical certificate.However,Wholesale Jerseys China, the police have made checks for the men but were unsuccessful in locating them.