標題: Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys –

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2018-1-11 00:54
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– rob victim of $3M outside home?A gun to the head was the rude Christmas Day greeting that two bandits gave the owner of Supersound Electronic Store before relieving him of an estimated $3M in cash and jewellery around 04:15 hrs on Friday.Businessman Krishna Singh had just driven home after working through Christmas Eve when the bandits attacked him outside the driveway of his Eleventh Street, Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara premises.Krishna SinghThe thieves escaped with more than $2M in cash representing the night’s earnings,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, over $500,Cheap Jerseys From China,000 in jewellery and three mobile phones valued at $140,Cheap NFL Jerseys,000. They also made off with the keys to the store.Singh told Kaieteur News that the family had worked through Christmas Eve night at the store. They closed the business around 03:30 hrs and he drove home with his wife and daughter.Because burglars had broken into his store through the roof in October and carted off some $1.3M in electronic articles, Singh decided that it would be wise to take home the night’s earnings.He arrived home at 04:15 hrs. Singh said that the robbers pounced just as he drove onto his bridge. He recalled that one was armed with a handgun while the other had a knife.The attack occurred just a few days after the bound and battered body of 40-year-old watchman,NFL Cheap Jerseys, Trevor Simon,Cheap Jerseys USA, was found at a Sixth Street, Diamond,Wholesale Jerseys Online, East Bank Demerara property.