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作者: hunikie1qV    時間: 2018-2-24 08:36     標題: Brett Favre Falcons Jersey UK yesterday

Scorching criticisms and “eye-opening” accusations which have been characteristic of the election rhetoric thus far, caused the Private Sector Commission (PSC), yesterday, to urge the political parties to “tone it down”. The increasing hostility could lead to a dangerous situation,Wholesale Jerseys From China, the PSC said.PSC Chairman,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Ramesh Persaud (centre) delivering his remarks during the press conference yesterday.Articulating this sentiment was the PSC Chairman, Ramesh Persaud,Cheap NFL Jerseys, who held a press conference to speak on the conduct of the election period at the Commission’s Waterloo Street Headquarters.Persaud said that the Commission as the voice of the business community is committed to the cause of ensuring that the 2015 elections are peaceful, free, fair and credible.? He said that the Commission has however, noted the “seemingly escalating hostility with which candidates and supporters of the major political parties are reacting to each other.”The PSC Chairman told the media that the Commission is of the opinion that this is an “unfortunate and potentially dangerous development” and believes that all parties must accept responsibility for this situation.He then urged the leaders of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) and A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) to confront and defeat this trend by coming together to make a joint statement which condemns all or any form of hostile behaviour and calls for tolerance on the part of each citizen regardless of their political persuasion.He sought to remind the political leaders that regardless of the outcome of the elections, the country must be governed and governable in their aftermath.“The Commission believes that the opportunity to lead a political party is a trust which is inviolable and sacrosanct. We therefore expect political leaders and parties to act in a manner which will ensure a peaceful and non-violent election,” Persaud said.The PSC Chairman said that the Commission’s perception was based on a number of reports from both parties which documented complaints of such behaviour.“We have received reports from the APNU+AFC and the PPP/C of very specific incidents. The APNU+AFC in particular, wrote to the Guyana Elections Commission Chairman and the PPP/C made police complaints with regards to attacks on its supporters.“This happens when they are putting up flags and other party paraphernalia. There are lots of attacks and statements which were reported in those letters. We have copies of those reports but we are not privileged enough to share that with you but it chronicles everything or most of the challenges the parties are encountering out there.”Based on those reports,Cheap Jerseys China, he said that the Commission is extremely concerned about certain developments during the election campaign period.As it relates to the joint statement by both political parties to ease the growing tensions, Persaud said that it would serve as a positive sign to supporters who may or may not be taking cues regarding respecting each other.He added, “We believe that the parties have differing views and the elections will have a winner. We want the people to be prepared for that outcome.”As it relates to statements during the elections period which have the potential to incite fear, the PSC Chairman said that the Commission believes that the campaign rhetoric needs to be toned down somewhat and that there is some irresponsibility taking place in that regard. He said that he does not believe that it is necessary at this time and the Commission condemns all such acts of hostility.On the issue of conduct during the election period, Persaud also spoke to the behaviour of Health Minister Bheri Ramsaran in disrespecting women’s rights activist Sherlina Nageer when he said that he would slap her just for the fun of it and get one of his women to strip her.The PSC Chairman said that the Commission believes that the Minister “undoubtedly,Wholesale Jerseys, may have been provoked” and “we also believe strongly behaviour of that nature is not acceptable and is somewhat irresponsible.”Persaud said that the Commission hopes to meet with the political parties before May 11 to iron out some last-minute issues. He also urged the major political parties to sign on to the Code of Conduct drafted by the Elections Commission.He added that the Commission has submitted a preliminary list of persons to be accredited to observe the elections throughout the country. He said that they expect to have 35 persons on board.The PSC Waterloo Street headquarters will in a few days time,NFL Jerse

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