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標題: Air Max Zero Sale their kids are born here … [打印本頁]

作者: hunikie1qV    時間: 2018-2-24 02:13     標題: Air Max Zero Sale their kids are born here …

By Ralph Seeram“We might as well open the floodgates and let all the illegal immigrants in,” the right wing talk show host told the Obama supporter at the other end of the phone. He was just one of the many right wing conservative talk show hosts that displayed their hatred for immigrants after the reelection of President Barack Obama.The gloves came off; their meanness and total disrespect for non white citizens were fully exposed. This was not supposed to happen, not after spending over six billion dollars in their campaign to unseat Obama.Karl Rove, the Republican strategist private super Pac,Nike Air Max 97 Australia, raised over three hundred million dollars which went into attack advertisement against Obama and some Democratic Senate candidates. It had no effect on the elections. Rove the architect of negative advertisement for George Bush blames the President for negative advertising.During the election campaign, immigration reforms took a back seat to other issues. Within 48 hours of their defeat, Republicans realized that unlike their propaganda, not all immigrants are illegal; they came to the realization that immigrants are also citizens who can vote and make a difference. During the Bush era, immigrant became a dirty word. The Bush administration painted legal and illegal immigration with the same brush. It opposed any immigration reforms; during the Bush administration immigrants were either viewed as drug dealers or terrorists.Licking their wounds after their defeat one fierce critic of President Obama got an epiphany on immigration. Sean Hannity, a right wing Conservative radio and TV host had this to say,”We’ve gotta get rid of the immigration issue altogether. It’s simple for me to fix it. I think you control the border first; you create a pathway for those people that are here, you don’t say you gotta go home.“And that is a position that I’ve evolved on. Because you know what—it just—it’s gotta be resolved. The majority of people here—if some people have criminal records you can send ‘them home—but if people are here, law-abiding, participating,Cheap Nike Shox Shoes, four years, their kids are born here … first secure the border, pathway to citizenship … then it’s done.“But you can’t let the problem continue. It’s gotta stop”This is coming from a man who strongly opposed the very idea of giving amnesty to illegal aliens Note the word EVOLVE. On his programme the day after the election, another right wing provocateur Ann Coulter took it one step further. “This (defeat) started since the Kennedy and Johnson administration in the sixties”. She was referring to reforms in immigration laws made then. She went on to say, “A white scientist can’t get a visa (permanent) but a Senegalese can bring his brother” (note the distinction, black and uneducated, white and educated). By the way this is not true. There is a category of visas for professional immigrants. This is what she is really referring to.It’s the fourth preference category of immigrants, which brings in legally the largest number of immigrants to the United States. It goes like this. One sister comes to the USA, marries and gets US citizenship. She sponsors her six brothers and sisters; they come with their wives husbands and children. The wives or husbands get citizenship and sponsors their immediate relatives and children. When they get their citizenship they in turn sponsor their immediate relatives and the cycle goes on.You see where this is going? In a period of twenty years, that one sister will be responsible for bringing in over a hundred relatives; multiply that thousands of times… This is what the Republicans realize. The minority vote has stealthily increased. Trouble is they have alienated the minority votes with their anti immigrant rhetoricThe Republican Party is facing defeat in future elections if it does not change its anti immigrant stance. Here’s why,Wholesale Jerseys From China, Romney got 58% of white male votes to Obama’s 40%. In 1976 white males comprised 46% of the votes, in 2012 they comprised of 34% of the votes, a drop of 12%.In Florida, a key state in winning the Presidency, 55% of the population growth in the last decade was from Latinos and other minorities. It is predicted that in the next four decades 65% of the U S population growth will come from Latinos and other minorities. This is frightful for the Republicans, considering that Obama got 71% to Romney 27% of the Latinos votes. Not to mention over 90% of the black votes.Another troubling fact is white births will account for less than half of the U S birth rate. Trouble is the Republican Party is viewed as an old white male party. For the future it will have to change its stance towards immigrants and the image as a party of the rich.Goi

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