標題: Cheap China NFL Jerseys skill

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2470
發表於 2018-4-2 05:02
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By Dale Andrews ?It is hard to imagine what thought processes impelled a section of the police administration to instruct that ranks observing anyone driving under the influence of alcohol, should not be arrested and charged.? If that directive, which incidentally was not supported by several senior officers, is not setting the stage for demoralising and de-motivating an already dysfunctional organisation, the nation needs to be told exactly what will.The mere instruction that frontline ranks ignore an offence as egregious as drunk driving particularly when the nation has suffered an unprecedented loss of its human capital by fatal accidents over the last decade, is taking matters way too far.Complaints and anecdotes abound of the current leadership style exhibited by the GPF high command,Wholesale Jerseys China, namely one that is dismissive and intolerant of divergent worldviews and professional opinions; one that is steeped in micro-management; and one that is arbitrary, tyrannical and contemptuous of juniors in the upper rungs of the hierarchical structure.? The last is not as infrequent as one might suppose since only recently one senior officer blew up in response to slighting remarks directed his way.This latest directive comes on the heels of an aborted and seemingly not well-thought out campaign of publishing the faces of drunk driving offenders which as far as the data suggests has not made any significant dent in the occurrence of the offence.? The fact that although frontline ranks for the most part operate in pairs, they are sometimes required to work alone and this in and of itself places them outside of direct immediate supervision.The point being made here is that ranks are likely to be exposed to role confusion; what with being told one time that the scourge of drunk driving must be eliminated, and the next moment being directed to not arrest and charge offenders is a recipe for chaos.? But the blame for this state of affairs surely must go to senior officers who give a masterful display of being jellyfishes by not advising the source of that ridiculous order that the professional GPF’s oath of office is not there to be conveniently discarded and the part which says “without fear or favour, malice or ill-will” is very much alive.The local police, like their foreign counterparts, are faced with myriad problems and potential issues from the time ranks leave their homes or station (if they reside therein). To add to their burdens, which they willingly carry by asking them to ignore offences is tantamount to telling them that in future they are permitted to use their own discretion when certain offences are observed, investigated,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, or reported.? The danger which arises is determining when and where this abuse of police men and women will end.? More importantly is the question of how will the out-of-control twin horses of corruption and professional misconduct be reined in when the stable door has been left wide open.A point which may have been overlooked by the GPF is that despite the fact that the general public may not always have a good impression of the police force,Discount NFL Jerseys, it is incumbent upon the administration to explore all possible avenues to court a positive perception of the Force if it intends to secure public cooperation in its efforts to combat crime and maintain public order.? Therefore any action or inaction on the part of the police which could be construed as favouring one situation or set of people over others will surely attract public condemnation not to mention cynicism about the genuineness of law enforcement intent.? However, it is not unknown that many persons who have had pleasant experiences with the police generally have positive opinions of the Force and are more inclined to cooperate when the situation warrants.To direct police ranks to avoid carrying out their constitutionally mandated functions and thereby contribute to an already unacceptable level of road fatalities reeks of total disregard for the safety of our people.? It might not be such a far leap to imagine instructions coming from on high that ranks should not arrest those miscreants bent on disrupting legal peaceful protests by encouraging mayhem and destruction.? A columnist of this newspaper related his experience in this regard at the Marriott opening.Another factor that needs to be examined when considering demoralization and demotivation is the promotional aspect. It has been seen that ranks who are elevated in the ranks are not always able to relate to their former peers.? The principal reason for this disconnect is a failure to adapt to being a supervisor instead of a subordinate.? This situation is further exacerbated by an absence of the tools necessary for effective leadership, and an environment which d