標題: Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping Timerhi

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2018-1-11 23:31
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By Michael Benjamin Guyanese, it would seem, are prepared to do almost anything to migrate to America. It matters not to them that they would be squatting in another country devoid of an identity; it matters not that their very existence would be fraught with danger as at any point they could be rounded up by FBI agents or the police and unceremoniously dumped into their country of birth, forever debarred from returning to the USA.These are clear and present dangers of nationals that transgress the laws of the USA yet on a daily basis some of our people risk life, limb and integrity to reach to the promise land.Some part with staggering amounts to get to the USA through the popular ‘back track’ routes. Yet others manage to procure a non immigrant visa, ignore the statutes and violate the principles of the visa.A popular story making the rounds was of a Guyanese man who wanted to go to the USA so badly that he was prepared to do just about anything to achieve his goal. He eventually got an opportunity after a well arranged visa wedding with a woman whom he scarcely knew.Upon exiting the departure lounge at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timerhi, he kissed the ground and loudly proclaimed, “Over my dead body am I returning to this God forsaken country. True to his word he returned some six months later—in a body bag, the victim of a botched drug deal.From China to Japan, Ethiopia to Hong Kong, Guyanese are in every nook and cranny of the world, doing just about anything to eke out a living. Ask these very Guyanese to contribute their labour and ingenuity to national development and they would adamantly refuse. It leaves one to ponder on such attitudes and maybe only a scientific research process would be able to explain this anomaly.Recently, I ventured into the American Embassy to address some visa issues. I looked around and observed the droves of Guyanese that were soliciting immigrant and non visas. Some left the interviewing cubicles with large smiles plastered upon their faces while the glum expressions of others told the sad story.Indeed, almost everyone wishes to have a bite of the apple one day, whether through the front or the back door.While I waited for some attention from the interviewing officer my eyes roved the building and settled upon a poster that hung from one of the walls in the embassy that proclaimed, “Illegal entry to the USA would open many doors (and here they depicted the prison doors) but will close this door (here they depicted the flag of the USA).The influx of Deportees back to these shores after they would have violated the American laws are not having the desired effect on many Guyanese nationals and many local continue to fork out astronomical sums to procure an illegal document or take the ‘back track’ route that will land them into ‘the land of plenty.’Many leave without a structured plan; some without even the requisite skill to propel them to new horizons,Cheap Jerseys From China, yet they venture into a country that experiences four seasonal changes and with different cultural adaptations, in search of, as my mother would succinctly proclaim, ‘what they did not put down.’Ironically, while Guyanese nationals migrate to North America, Europe and other Caricom countries among others, nationals of other countries are arriving in Guyana in droves seeking residential status. The Brazilians have literally transformed the heart of Georgetown into a little Sao Paulo while the Chinese are deeply entrenched into the Guyanese society.Other Caribbean nationals find comfort within these 83,000 square miles yet Guyanese continue to sprint to other countries in search of a more qualitative life.Every year, a plethora of young people graduate from the University of Guyana with Degrees, Bachelor of Law Certificates, distinctions in Social Work, Public Management and a host of other prestigious academic accolades, only to return to the breadline.The influx of motor vehicles have opened up the transportation industry and many UG graduates turn to this venture to put food on their family’s table and ensure the bills are paid. The dreams of high profile jobs after attaining one’s degree or Post Grad certificate remains a myth.Recently,China Jerseys Wholesale, one of my colleagues here at Kaieteur News drew my attention to an issue on one of the family courts in the USA. It appears as though a young Guyanese man, now resident in the USA, while on vacation to Guyana, became friendly with a young lady and they decided to get married.Having consummated the union,Cheap NFL jerseys China, the young man commenced immigration processes to have his wife with him. This was accomplished within one year. However, upon arrival into the USA the scenario changed. The situation backfired as all loveless ‘visa weddings’ are