標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys China Candy

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2018-1-7 12:26
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Wakenaam top student at the National Grade Six Assessment of the Sans Souci Primary School, Candacia Seymour, has also topped the Essequibo Islands Schools by earning 528 marks and a place at the Saint Stanislaus College in Georgetown.Top student Candacia Seymour with one of her prizesHer results came as no surprise to the staff of the school.? Her classmate, Reuel Sookdeo, obtained 518 marks and was placed at Saint Joseph High School in Georgetown.However,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Reuel will be opting for the Anna Regina Multilateral School on the Essequibo Coast.At a prizegiving exercise on Friday, to honour the pupils at the Sans Souci Primary School,Cheap Jerseys From China, Candacia (well known to her friends as Candy) copped most of the top prizes for her class.These prizes included a bicycle presented by Mr. Bob Shiwnandan,NFL Jerseys Cheap, an overseas-based Guyanese and a trophy presented by Mr. Sayed Ahmad, a former headmaster of the school and former President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union.A former headmaster, Pastor Edmund Evelyn,cheap jerseys from china, asked the parents to be supportive of the school,NFL Jerseys Outlet, the teachers and the pupils.? He told the parents that keeping their children away from school to assist them with work will only make the children dependent.Pastor Evelyn lamented that there was no male teacher at the school.? He expressed the hope that this situation will not continue as the school needed at least one male on staff.In her valedictory address, Candy, who chaired the programme, attributed most of her success to reading.? She was grateful to her teachers, parents, grandparents and her late great aunt, Ms. Naomi Seegobin, who provided her with books from England, sat with her and read poems and stories to her.She encouraged the new Grade Six Class to read any and everything they set their eyes on, whether it be books, labels or posters and to find joy in reading.? Candy also encouraged the new class to be regular and punctual at school, to be attentive and co-operate with their teachers.Candacia is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis and Sabita Seymour,Cheap Jerseys, and granddaughter of Wakenaam Kaieteur News Reporter, Mr. Harry Seymour.? She aspires to become a doctor because her great grandfather was a dispenser and most her paternal aunts are in the medical field.