標題: Jerseys NFL Cheap former Finance Minister

帖子 732
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2474
發表於 2017-12-30 22:27
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Government says it is waiting anxiously on the return of former President Bharrat Jagdeo, who has reversed his earlier stance of retiring from public office.Jagdeo is set to make his return as the new Opposition Leader,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, heading the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) list of Parliamentarians.Jagdeo as Opposition Leader, was further confirmed yesterday by former President Donald Ramotar who himself was left off the list when it was released Tuesday evening.Jagdeo’s two terms in office ended in 2011. Since then he has mounted a constitutional challenge intended to clear the legal hurdles for him to run again.Yesterday, Minister of State Joseph Harmon during his weekly post-Cabinet press briefings, was questioned about Jagdeo’s presence.“Jagdeo as the Opposition Leader? I don’t think he is as yet because he has to go to Parliament… he is not confirmed,” Harmon said.He pointed out that Jagdeo’s credibility is at stake as he had vowed not to run for public office and had made it clear several times before.However, Jagdeo backtracked in the lead-up to the May 11 General Elections in which the PPP/C lost for the first time in its 23 years in office. While international observers have cleared the elections as being free and fair, the PPP has cried that it was rigged and has gone to court challenging the results.“…Mr Jagdeo…remember he said he is not going to run for public office? So it is his credibility that the people must make a determination on. He is going to be there,Cheap Football Jerseys, according to what he says. He also has a criminal charge against him,Supply Authentic NFL Jerseys, in the Magistrate’s Court…we will see what happens.”Harmon said that his Government is unfazed and will stand resolutely.“We will be able to defend our position from anybody that the PPP brings… Jagdeo or whoever… We have no fear of him. In fact,Wholesale China Jerseys, we welcome him in Parliament because there are still a couple of questions he has to answer for his term in office as President.”Jagdeo’s return on the list would see the exit of a number of prominent faces,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, including former President Donald Ramotar; former Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, Robeson Benn and former Foreign Affairs Minister, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett.And indeed, the new coalition Government under President David Granger has vowed to run a corrupt-free Government.Several audits are ongoing at state agencies amidst questions over spendings during previous PPP administrations.A number of multi-billion-dollar infrastructural projects spearheaded by Jagdeo are in deep trouble because of cost and other questions.These include the Amaila Falls Hydro-Electric Power project, the expansion of the Timehri Airport, the Berbice River Bridge Project and the Marriott Hotel project.Also being questioned are the sale of several state assets and multi-billion awards of pharmaceutical supply contracts to New GPC, a company controlled by Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, close friend of Jagdeo.Under his watch, no Minister was sanctioned or charged despite accusations of corruption.